the state and indigenous legal cultures: law in search of legitimacy
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International Conference “Conflict Resolution and Customary Law” at Babeş-Boylai University

Published on:07 March at 09:28AM
Author: Canada Research Chair on Legal Diversity and Indigenous Nations

Professor Sergiu Mişcoiu will host Ghislain Otis, holder of the Canada Research Chair in Legal Diversity and Indigenous Peoples, during the international conference “Conflict Resolution and Customary Law”. This conference will take place at Babeş-Boylai University, in Cluj-Napoca, Romania March 8 and 9, 2019. It is part of the Legitimus project: “The State and Indigenous Legal Cultures: Law in Search of Legitimacy” directed by Professor Otis and financed by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.


Other collaborators of the Legitimus project will also take part in this conference such as Professor François Féral, Dr. Laura Herta and Dr. Clément Cadinot. It will end with a cultural visit to Alba-Iulia.

For more information, please see the event program.

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