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Raphaël Mapou defends his doctoral thesis

Published on:29 July at 10:00PM
Author: Research Chair on Legal Diversity and Indigenous Peoples

Raphaël Mapou, a researcher from the Pacific team of the Legitimus Group, defended his doctoral thesis in the presence his thesis director, François Féral, a member of the Legitimus group as well. Amongst the jury was Géraldine Giraudeau from the Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, Tamatoa Bambridge from the University of Polynesia and Ghislain Otis from the University of Ottawa.


Mr. Mapou's thesis  ''Analyse dialectique des transformations du droit en Nouvelle-Calédonie : l'état colonial républicain face aux institutions juridiques Kanakes'' (EN: Dialectic analysis of the transformation of the law in New Caledonia: the colonial republic state on the Kanak judicial institutions) was carried out as part of the research work of the Pacific team of the Legitimus Group in New Caledonia.

To learn more about this topic, you can consult the FranceInfo article on Mapou's doctoral thesis.
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